Let's Get Serious!

Exclusively, through marketing and advertising efforts, both traditional and digital, let us help you expand your leads, customer base and revenue!

Why Partner with Us?

We know and have experience in the many ways you can attract, retain and convert new and existing customers. We can create, develop, deploy and manage results-focused Internet and traditional marketing solutions as well as the associated applications that can do just that. We want you to free you up to do what you do best... run your business! We suggest consider one partner, fewer hassle, and less cost. 

Epoch Online - Lead Generation feat Paramount Metal

Leads are VALUABLE! It's time to get serious and treat them that way.

We will help you create and manage the unique strategies and campaigns,for collecting,encouraging opt-in and participation as well as using them. This is today's real challenge, and it's not something easily done in-house...


List Acquisition, Development and Management

Locating, matching, merging, cleansing, de-duping, organizing, deploying, SECURING, hosting and integrating is very tedious. The list should be one of your greatest ASSETS! Partner with someone with experience in "Big Data" and who cares about the list.

Email, Text and Messaging is Cheap and Effective!

It's simply point, click, send, and communicate, whether it's a part of your campaigns or business processes as a one-time, programmed, triggered, or drip based. It's never been easier to reach hundreds, if not thousands, depending on that oh-so-important list.


Talking and Relationships still earns Dollars

Technology is wonderful; however, it can't replace a good conversation when it comes to working with leads or customers. Together, we can set up the workflow, processes and procedures that provide you the fruits ofdialing and talking

Man Holding Mobile Phone - Talking and Relationships Still Earn Dollars - Epoch Online

Solutions and Software

Today's technology includes live agent applications, customer relationship software, and follow-up email, texting, and solutions. It can be daunting sorting through it all. We will deploy the Solutions and Software that allow you to get on and stay on top of your leads. With the right workflow and systems, your staff will have the tools to successfully follow up on leads, address service requests, and close sales.


Captivate Your Customers With Video

If you want to attract high-quality traffic, build your brand, and convert visitors into customers, video must be in the mix. From story-telling, to Q&A sessions, to webinars and project presentations, we will develop and deploy what's needed to show you off, show off your company, and show off your projects.

Chart showing that 64% of users purchase a product after watching a video
Three monitors displaying examples of video marketing
Brochures for Paramount Metal Systems

Old School Marketing is still Relevant!

Traditional marketing mediums and materials are still important!Your follow-up using Print and related to your digital marketing will set you apart and put you top-of-the-stack and top-of-mind!

Banner and Business Cards for Paramount Metal Systems

What Does it Cost?

It ultimately depends on the complete strategy, all charges for vendors and suppliers (Facebook, Traditional Media, Instagram, Google Search, etc.) are at cost. Our discovery, setup, development, monitoring and management services is roughly the cost of an executive, annually!

Epoch Online - Lead Generation feat Paramount Metal Systems

Get Your Content Properly Hosted, Positioned and Found!

Responsive Website, Landing Pages and Content Related. When it comes to the content that promotes and supports your company and your product and services, it needs to be front and center of your potential customers and customers! You need your content in the right places and on the right platforms (search engines, social media, groups, email, texts, videos, publications and more).


Adaptive & Responsive

With 68% of all searches being mobile, we will make sure your mobile presence "Rocks" as well as include all the latest creative and messaging related to service and products and well as your Brand.

All marketing and advertising assets (emails, text, APPs, social media, website and more) will work toward one goal: clean leads list and sales. 

Examples of Responsive Web Design

What Makes Us Tick? We Love What We Do!

It ultimately depends on the complete strategy, all charges for vendors and suppliers (Facebook, Traditional Media, Instagram, Google Search, etc.) are at cost. Our discovery, setup, development, monitoring and management services is roughly the cost of an executive, annually!

Marketing optimization with CRM data

Send targeted email marketing campaigns based on your marketing mix. You will not just improve your performances, it will also strengthen your brand.

Automate with email and text marketing

Make sure your line of communication with your customers is flowing and informative. Content marketing has proven results and we can set processes that do the work for you.

Image showing how remarketing works

High Performance, Performing Website

Like a racecar, usability, performance, and optimization of your website and associated pages, like landing pages, is crucial to your marketing efforts and success. We will set initial and ongoing goals and requirements and then consistently monitor and test the site for performance. If performance is low or sub-standard we simply optimize it. It's simply part of the plan!

Epoch Online - Lead Generation feat Paramount Metal Systems

Data Analytics and Data Visualizations

We will engage and deploy the tools and related intelligence gathering code and processes that give you and your business insight into sales, marketing and revenue traffic and engagement related activity. We will use these solutions to identify opportunities or areas that need attention or improvement, clarify factors that influence customer behavior and conversions, understand which products to place where, and predict sales volume.

Accountable and Accessible

It ultimately depends on the complete strategy, all charges for vendors and suppliers (Facebook, Traditional Media, Instagram, Google Search, etc.) are at cost. Our discovery, setup, development, monitoring and management services is roughly the cost of an executive, annually!

Content Development Matters

Web content can be anything from blog posts to infographics to videos. An effective content development strategy is much more than just writing or just SEO. With the right strategy, with the right promotion methods, everyone is going to see the webpage you spent weeks developing.

Benefits of content marketing

  • Media visibility
  • Competitive advantage
  • Brand awareness
  • Website traffic
  • Client engagement
  • Leads and conversions
Graph showing content marketing steps

Reputations drive customer purchase decisions

Search engines, social media, and more has replaced word-of-mouth referrals. What appears at the top of the search results is what people see, believe and resond to. Today reputation is based mainly on what artificial intelligence systems like Google portray about you rather than the first-person experience.

We can make sure your reputation stays on top and customers are cared for. The better your reputation, the better your conversion rate.

Image representing online reputation management