Malwarebytes Browser Extension delivers a safer and faster web browsing experience. It blocks malicious websites and filters out unwanted content (resulting in up to three times faster webpage load times). The filtering is not based on definitions, so the extensions can block previously-unidentified fake tech support scams and their tactics.
What will it do for your browsing experience? It prevents pop-ups, browser hijackers, and browser lockers from harassing you and interrupting your surfing. It also blocks clickbait links and fake news content, stops in-browser cryptocurrency miners, and gives other malicious content the boot. All this while relying on threat behavior patterns rather than on researchers who have to track down, identify the malware, and add it to a database of known threats. (We still need those researchers to make our products better. This is just a different, faster method.)
This is where Malwarebytes Browser Extension can help you:
And these are the features it has to offer:
Free Webinar - Microsoft Graph and Delve
What you can do with them and why do they matter?
Come join us to discover the features and functionality of Microsoft Graph and Delve. Learn how you can leverage Microsoft Office 365 to build applications and workflows that help you "do more with less", securely and optimally, especially if you have Office 365 already deployed and being used.
FREE Webinar: SEO and Structure Data - What is it?
SEO has included the concept of structured data since 2011 - ever since Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Yandex got together to create a standardized list of attributes and entities which they all agreed to support, and which became known as Unfortunately, there's still a lot of confusion around what structured data really is, what it’s for, and how and when to implement structured data for SEO purposes. A survey carried out last year by Bing found that only 17% of marketers are using (or were planning to use) structured data markup.
FREE Webinar: Become a Microsoft Power BI User in 7 Quick Steps
Since 1993, Epoch Online has provided services nationwide. We will introduce you to the basics that everyone needs to know to create visualizations and analytics pertaining to your business data, regardless of the type. Plus, you can sign up for Microsoft Power BI for free.
FREE Webinar: What is Structured Data and Why is it Important? Did someone say Free Marketing?
It's an old Topic; yet, it's still a hot Topic. Search Engine Optimiation (SEO) has included the concept of structured data since 2011 - ever since Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Yandex got together to create a standardized list of attributes and entities which they all agreed to support, and which became known as Unfortunately, there's still a lot of confusion around what structured data is, what it’s for, and how and when to implement structured data for Free marketing.